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Diane Arbus

Presentaties (solo):

·1973 - - Diane Arbus --
Museum of Modern Art New York (NY)
·1974 - - Konfrontatie 3 Diane Arbus --
Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven
·1983 - - Diane Arbus (60 fotografie) --
Palazzo delle Exposizioni Roma
·1984 - - Diane Arbus: Magazaine Work --
Minneapolis Institute of Arts Minneapolis (MN)
·1985 - - Diane Arbus: Magazine Work --
Neuberger Museum Purchase (N.Y.)
·1986 - - Diane Arbus: Magazine Work --
Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia (PA)
·1986 - - Diane Arbus --
Fundación Caja de Pensiones Madrid
·2003 - - Diane Arbus revelations --
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Presentaties (overig):

·1973 - - Diane Arbus -
·1973 - - Combattimento per un'immagine -
·1974 - - Konfrontatie 3 Diane Arbus -
·1977 - - Documenta VI Kassel -
·1983 - - Diane Arbus (60 fotografie) -
·1984 - - Diane Arbus: Magazaine Work -
·1985 - - Diane Arbus: Magazine Work -
·1986 - - Diane Arbus: Magazine Work -
·1986 - - Diane Arbus -
·1992 - - Pantheon der Fotografie im XX. Jahrhundert -
·1995 - - Pictures of the real world (in real time) -
·1995 - - Pictures of the real world (in real time) -
·1995 - - Amerikanische Photographie 1890-1965: aus der Sammlung des Museum of Modern Art New York -
·1995 - - American photography 1890 - 1965 from the Museum of Modern Art -
·1995 - - 1968 -
·1995 - - American photography 1890-1965 from the Museum of Modern Art -
·1996 - - American photography 1890-1965 from the Museum of Modern Art -
·1996 - - American photography 1890-1965 from the Museum of Modern Art -
·1996 - - American photography 1890-1965 from the Museum of Modern Art -
·1996 - - City of ambition: artist & New York 1990 - 1960 -
·1996 - - 100 foto's uit de collectie: hoogtepunten uit de fotografiecollectie -
·1996 - - American photography 1890-1965 from the Museum of Modern Art -
·2000 - - Kinder des 20. Jahrhunderts -
·2000 - - The social scene: the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation photography collection at the Museum of Contemporary art, Los Angeles -
·2000 - - The social scene: the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation photography collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles -
·2001 - - Naked since 1950 -
·2003 - - Gogh Modern in het Van Gogh Museum: Vincent van Gogh en de hedendaagse kunst -
·2003 - - Diane Arbus revelations -
·2004 - - The Great Parade: portrait of the Artist as Clown = La grande parade : portrait de l'artiste en clown -
·2004 - - The Great Parade: portrait of the Artist as Clown = La grande parade : portrait de l'artiste en clown -
·2005 - - Bilanz in zwei Akten -
·2006 - - Nothing and everything -