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Maria Vladimirovna Ender


·1897 - - - geboren
- 1897
- St.-Petersburg (Leningrad (oblast))


·1942 - - - overleden
- 1942
- Leningrad (Rusland)


·Mariya Vladimirovna Ender



Presentaties (overig):

·1992 - - Die grosse Utopie -
·1992 - - De grote utopie: de Russische avant-garde 1915 - 1932 -
·1995 - - Paul Mansouroff et l'avant-garde Russe a Petrograd -
·1995 - - Paul Mansouroff et l'avant-garde russe à Petrograd -
·1999 - - Organica: organic, the non-objective world of nature in the Russian avant-garde of the 20th century -
·2001 - - Organica: new perception of nature in the Russian Avantgardism of the 20th century -


·1992 - - De grote utopie : Russische avantgarde 1915-1932 = The great utopia : Russian avant-garde 1915-1932 = Die grosse Utopie : Russische Avant-Garde 1915-1932
·1995 - - Paul Mansouroff et l'Avant-garde russe à Pétrograd
·1999 - - Organica : organic, the non-objective world of nature in the Russian avant-garde of the 20th century
·2001 - - Organica : new perception in the Russian avant-gardism of the 20th century